Kelmės Pieninė AB, together with its partner Public Institution Lithuanian Institution of Health Sciences, finished a project ‘Development of an Innovative Dietary Supplement for the Elderly to Prevent Frailty Syndrome and Malnutrition.’ Budget of the project: 854.293,64 EUR, the amount of the European Union investments: EUR 446,663.15. The project’s implementation period – from 08.07.2020 to 08.07.2023.
The project is implemented under Measure No. 01.2.1-LVPA-K-856 Experiment under Priority 1 Promotion of Research, Experimental Development, and Innovation of the 2014–2020 Operational Programme for the European Union Funds Investments. The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
The objective of the project is to develop a R&D and innovation infrastructure to create an innovative dietary supplement model and prototype aimed at elderly people to prevent frailty syndrome and malnutrition. The preliminary name of the dietary supplement is SENESCENTIS, or aging for Latin.
- Development of R&D and innovation infrastructure.
- Organisation of R&D activities aimed at creating an innovative product.
- Structure assigned to the R&D and innovation infrastructure renewed.
- Equipment assigned to the R&D and innovation infrastructure purchased.
- Innovative dietary supplement model developed.
- Innovative dietary supplement prototype developed.
The uniqueness of the concept is based on the following characteristics:
- The dietary supplement is intended for people aged 51+. The dietary supplement will be suitable for people with or without swallowing disorders – different amounts of powder may be mixed with different liquids.
- The composition of the prospective mixture will be richly enriched with vitamins and trace elements.
- The dietary supplement contains whey protein (protein from peas, eggs, and milk was used for the products of previous projects).
- Previously developed dietary supplements did not have consistency of powder – powder is convenient for transportation, the product has a longer shelf life, it can be mixed with desired liquids, and the price of the product is lower. For successful implementation of the project, an effective partnership has been established with the project partner Public Institution Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. Following the project, Kelmės Pieninė AB will create and maintain employment of one researcher and will carry out active experimental development, ensuring the continuity of the project, showcasing the prototype, and performing the final evaluation of the innovative dietary supplement SENESCENTIS.
Progress of the project:
In July – December 2020, work meetings were organized with the project implementation team of the Public Institution “Lithuanian University of Health Sciences”, during which the work tasks were divided and the limits of responsibility were defined. Conducting scientific research for the confirmation of the concept has started.
In January – March 2021, R&D activities aimed at creating an innovative product were organized. R&D activities were implemented during the transition from TPL2 to TPL3 level. The goal was to confirm the concept of the innovative product-food supplement being developed. Primary scientific research, analysis of scientific literature, acquisition of new knowledge were carried out. The layout creation activities have started.
Achievements of April – June 2021: a finite list of the methodological characteristics of the elements of the technological development quality model of the intermediate elements of the layout was presented; theoretical evidence for TMT was presented; experimental evidence for TMT was presented. The layout creation activities have started. The layout creation activities are ongoing.
Achievements of July – September 2021: the results of studies on product retention in an open package were conducted and summarized; aftertaste reduction of vitamins and minerals in the prepared supplement drink was evaluated; the application of laboratory research methodologies was prepared; great attention was paid to the implementation and maintenance of the quality and food safety system (HACCP).
Achievements of October – December 2021: test batches were tested (whey protein concentrate drink powder with vitamins and minerals; strawberry flavored whey protein concentrate drink powder with vitamins and minerals, sweetener after 6 months of storage under different storage conditions: the results obtained were compared with the results at the beginning of production and after 3 months; sensory analysis of the supplement samples produced on 19-05-2021 was performed); microbiological tests were performed.
Achievement of October – December 2021: on 19-05-2021, the laboratory tests and sensory evaluation of trial supplement batches were performed (whey protein concentrate drink powder with vitamins and minerals; storage of strawberry-flavored whey protein concentrate drink powder with vitamins and minerals, sweetener under different storage conditions: the results obtained were compared with the results at the beginning of production and after 3 and 6 months; microbiological tests were performed.
In January – March 2022, the activities of creating the layout are continued; data analysis was performed for the period from the start of the project, supplemented by relevant research and activities that were carried out during January – March 2022.
Achievements of April – June 2022: after expert analysis, the interim reports of Scientific Research and Experimental Development were successfully evaluated, after examining the results of half – 100 (out of the planned 200) – study subjects.
From July to September 2022, the activities of creating and improving the (perhaps ongoing) layout were being continued.
Achievements of January – March 2023: experimental development research were intensively carried out in targeted biopharmaceutical and clinical trials and research. The layout of the innovative food supplement was being developed. Laboratory tests of “Whey protein concentrate drink powder with vitamins and minerals” after 18 months of maintenance and analysis of the obtained results were carried out.
Achievements of April – June 2023: an innovative product has been developed for the elderly to prevent geriatric frailty syndrome and insufficient nutritional status. Scientific research was focused on the creation of an innovative model and prototype of a food supplement, innovative compositions and technologies of its functionality, based on scientific clinical research.